Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take for my website to be made?

The timescale is often dictated by the client. The most common delay in the creation and completion of a new website is waiting for content (draft text/photos/other images) to be sent to us. Other factors, such as the complexity of the website and our workload, also dictate the timescale. If you have a deadline in mind, we will endeavour to meet it for you.

How much will my website cost and how do I pay?

The total price will be as set out in the quotation submitted by us. Typically, prices start at £395. We require a 50% deposit to begin work and the balance is due upon completion. We accept payments by cash, bank transfer and PayPal. Please make sure you have read and understood our Terms and Conditions.

Once my website is completed, what after-sales support do you offer?

We support and maintain every website we make and host on our managed hosting platform. We are always available should you encounter any problems with your website. We are happy to help you update the content of your website if it is hosted with us. Websites hosted with us are kept secure and backed up daily.

How do I update my website?

Every website we make is powered by the WordPress content management system. A content management system allows you to easily update your website’s content in any web browser. If you are not comfortable updating your own website, we are happy to help you do it.

Why WordPress?

WordPress is the world’s leading web software and content management system. WordPress is free, open source, easy to use, future-proof and flexible. Hundreds of individuals around the globe maintain WordPress’s code and thousands of WordPress plugin developers contribute enhancements to WordPress’s out-of-the-box functionality. WordPress powers more than 42% of the web.

Is my website sustainable?

Yes. We make sustainable and efficient WordPress websites, and optimize them to reduce their carbon footprint. Websites hosted by us are powered by green energy from 100% carbon dioxide-free and environment-friendly wind and water power.

Will my website work on smartphones and tablets?

Yes. Every website we make uses responsive web design to ensure an optimal viewing experience – easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning, and scrolling – across a wide range of devices, from smartphones to desktop computer monitors.

How much will it cost to host and maintain my website?

Twelve months of managed hosting and WordPress maintenance is included in the price of your website. During this period we will keep your website secure and backed up and keep WordPress and all plugins up to date. Each subsequent year of managed hosting and WordPress maintenance costs £150 (payable annually, in advance).

Will I get an email account with my website?

The short answer is no. But if we register a domain name for use with your website (or you transfer an existing domain name to our managed hosting platform) then we can supply you with as many forwarding email addresses, e.g. you/sales/help etc @, as you require. Forwarding email addresses forward all email directed at to an existing email account. We do not charge extra for this service (it is included in the annual fee for managed hosting). If you would like an email account to use exclusively with your website, we recommend using a service like Tuta. Tuta provide a free encrypted email account with 1 GB of storage that respects your privacy.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any other questions.